About Pastor John
John Angliss was born in Caversham, Reading in 1945 into a God-fearing family and was converted in about 1962 in Caversham Baptist Church, Reading and through the influence of Youth for Christ Bible rallies. He was educated at Reading School and pursued a career in Trust banking with Midland Bank Executor & Trust Company from 1962-1972. He began preaching in July 1967 following a deep experience of the Holy Spirit in 1965 from which he heard the call to eventual full-time ministry.
He married Mary his wife in 1971 and she has supported him throughout. In 1974 they commenced fulltime faith ministry together. John became Pastor of Mitford Mission hall in January 1977 following increasing input and association from 1973 onwards. This Church later became South of Reading Christian Fellowship in 1985 and grew from a handful of people to a nationally recognised independent full gospel Church. John took this fellowship through 2 ½ rebuilds to become a vibrant and nationally recognised independent New testament Church.
After 40 years of service, he left there in January 2017 to pursue a wider itinerant ministry AIM (Ambassador International Ministry) and became part of ARK Christian Fellowship (formed in 2017) in which he supports the leadership and this Church supports his ministry (See separate website) He speaks at various Churches and conferences in England and Ireland and has made several trips to India and Israel and has ministered in several other countries including France, Tanzania and Sri Lanka .
He is presently chairman of Christian Ministerial Fellowship International (See separate website) and also a recommended speaker for Prophetic Witness Movement International. In the past he has served on the UK board of Derek Prince Ministries-UK, Prayer for Israel and Focus on Israel and in was one of the main pioneers in birthing Bible weeks in Cornwall at Wadebridge and later the Raising a standard Bible week near Worcester both of in which a good number of well-known speakers took part.
John has ministered at various Churches, Bible weeks and conferences over the years speaking on a wide variety of subjects constituting “the whole counsel of God” and one of his main burdens is for the Church to maintain the balance between the WORD and the Holy Spirit .One of his main ministries is to speak on Israel and end times prophecy.