The Faithfulness of God
When we consider the nature and character of God, we find that God has essential attributes which belong only to Him and also moral attributes which can become part of our lives through relationship with Him. One aspect of these is FAITHFULNESS, which is great (Lamentations 3 v 23), established (Ps 89 v 2), incomparable (Ps 89 v 8), unfailing (Ps89v 33) and everlasting (Ps 119v190).
It is manifested in His counsel (Isa 25 v1),in afflicting His saints (Ps 119v175, in fulfilling His promises (1 Kings 8 v 20),in keeping His covenant (Deut 7 v 9), in His testimonies (Ps 119v 138), in executing His judgments (Jeremiah 23 v 20), in forgiving sins (1 John 1 v 9) and to His saints (Ps 89 v 24).
A final expression of His faithfulness will happen for Israel a little way ahead (Hosea 2 v 20). Faith, faithfulness and stability are all very interconnected in the Bible both linguistically and in reality.
There are 12 ways in which God’s faithfulness is expressed to His people. If we can understand, experience and walk in the light of these, we will be a little closer to the heart of God. I encourage you to meditate on these. They will bless your soul.
- 1 Cor 1 vs 8-9. Faithful to complete the work He begins in us.
- 1 Cor 10 v 13. Faithful in times of temptation
- 1 Thess 5 v 23. Faithful to sanctify us wholly
- 2 Thess 3 v 3. Faithful to establish us, keep us saved and from the adversary.
- 2 Tim 3 v 13. His own character is the ground of His faithfulness.
- Heb 10v23. Faithful to keep His promises.
- 1 John 1 v 9. Faithful to forgive our sins if we confess them.
- Ps 89 vs 20,22,24 Faithful in defending His people.
- Ps 143 v 1. Faithful in hearing our prayers.
- Ps 119v175. Faithful in chastening His children. (See also Hebrews 12 v 6.
- 1 Peter 4 v 19. Faithful when we are suffering for the faith.
- Deut 7 v 9 & Psalm 89 v 34. God’s faithfulness is manifested in keeping His promise and Covenant and His fulfilling every word that goes out of His mouth regardless of what man does.
David SANG of HIS FAITHFULNESS and kings and princes’ worship because of the Lord that is faithful. How about us? Do we feed on His faithfulness and does it cause our hearts to sing, praise and give thanks.